Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A piece inspired by a piece

Runnin' from what's chasin' me
Hopin' to appear as a phantom to what's real, what's right
Disappearin' from those I know and don't
No promises just lies
the same ones been chasin' me for a while
Thought I killed em but I just got around em
Looks like the bramble finally got a hold
pullin' me down
no more runnin'
just crawlin', eatin' dirt
like runnin' through molasses
a field of flowers whose petals are broken glass
tearin' me apart


Unknown said...

hot damn.

am i allowed to say that?

let's make it into a song when you join our back porch band.

Barbara said...

what emily said.

oh my, this is most excellent! i especially love the imagery at the end.

TerryB said...

What Barbara said.

There's nothing like being a mother of children who can do such things. I'm most blessed.

Hannah said...

What Mrs. Terry said.

Minus the being your mother part.