Thursday, June 4, 2009

"The Way of Ignorance"

"There are several kinds of ignorance that are not inherent in our nature but come instead from weaknesses of character. Paramount among these is the willful ignorance that refuses to honor as knowledge anything not subject to empirical proof. We could just as well call it materialist ignorance. This ignorance rejects useful knowledge such as traditions of imagination and religion, and so it comes across as narrow-mindedness. We have the materialist culture that afflicts us now because a world exclusively material is the kind of world most readily used and abused by the kind of mind the materialists think they have. To this kind of mind, there is no longer a legitimate wonder. Wonder has been replaced by a research agenda, which is still a world away from demonstrating the impropriety of wonder. The materialist conservationists need to tell us how a materialist culture can justify its contempt and destructiveness of material goods."
~Wendell Berry

And so after reading this, I conclude my wondering about what I know and don't know. I resign myself to being daily overwhelmed by the wonder and mystery that surrounds me; and the ginormous(for lack of a better word) amount of stuff that I will never figure out or get to experience. Berry says at the end, "of course, the way of ignorance is the way of faith". Everything in life deserves wonder, and so I will have faith that this is enough to know and be a part of. He says to accept the "wisdom of humility". This is a novel idea for me, but I see the freedom and brilliancy in this approach to life and knowledge of things.

1 comment:

TerryB said...

A great quote. Thanks for the brain food.