Monday, October 27, 2008

Jack Daniels

I never thought I would feel so at home with Jack Daniels. I reassure you that what I am about to say is completely innocent, so don't get yourself all in a tissy. Having one of my fits of missing home/ friends/the South, etc, today I was comforted by a billboard of Jack Daniels whiskey. There is a giant distillery, I believe, near Chattanooga, and well Tennessee unfortunately is known solely for Jack Daniels in Nantes. It's hilarious to me that a large number of people here automatically assume that I drink Jack Daniels like water. In fact, I can imagine the stuff tastes disgusting! I hate whiskey for drinking, but I take comfort in its alterior benefits for me. So, today I learned two things from good ole JD: refrain from making grandiose assumptions about regions, states or countries because often you look like a fool. And two, reminders of home can come from some of the least expected places. Cheers for Jack Daniels!

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